June 04 / 2015

The Assembly: Re-Engineered and Revealed

At last, the time has arrived for us to reveal the redesigned version of The Assembly - watch the trailer below to see the game in action.

The Assembly is a thrilling adventure in VR where there are two sides to everything. An experience where perspectives shift, the right choice is never clear, and a question is always left open: when does the end justify the means?

In this immersive adventure game, you will be challenged by moral dilemmas as you uncover the secrets of The Assembly, a mysterious organisation that has been experimenting deep below the Nevada Desert.  Hidden from the world, unconstrained by government scrutiny and society’s morals, this collective of scientists, engineers and academics are free to experiment as they choose.

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But what is The Assembly hiding? What will it sacrifice in the name of progress? And how far will it go to keep its operations secret?

As a lethal avian virus threatens to escape the confines of its underground laboratory, a chain of events puts The Assembly’s existence on the line. Play as two individuals – Cal Pearson and Madeleine Stone - each with their own perspectives and motivations. For better or worse, the impossible decisions ahead will transform not just their own future, but that of entire nations. 

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Having honed our skills over the past year in the fast-moving world of VR development, we redesigned The Assembly following its announcement at E3 2014 with the full use of VR in mind.

We’ve rebuilt the game from the ground up in Unreal Engine 4 and continued to enhance every aspect of the game, from its graphical fidelity to the scope and scale of its gameplay and narrative. The Assembly also features a reworked story by Rob Morgan, lead writer and voice director on the augmented reality title Wonderbook: Book of Spells and SCE’s VR demo, The Deep.

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We’re currently targeting the launch window of the Oculus Rift (Windows PC), Project Morpheus (PlayStation 4) and – we’re pleased to announce – HTC Vive (Steam VR) for The Assembly’s release.

You can find more screenshots and further info for the re-engineered version of The Assembly by following this link: www.ndreams.com/TheAssembly.

Have any questions about The Assembly? Well, we’d love to hear from you, so feel free to drop us a line via Facebook or our forum on Reddit.

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