July 05 / 2019

Phantom: Covert Ops is VR Game of E3

To say that we’ve had a successful E3 this year is a bit of an understatement. Phantom: Covert Ops saw an amazing reception from the public & the press at the event and that sentiment has been echoed by the critics!

Here’s a roundup of how it performed with the critics at E3 2019:

Game Critics Awards -  Best VR/AR Game winner

GameInformer -  “BEST VR” winner

Unreal E3 Awards  “Most Engaging Game” nominee

Hardcore Gamer - “BEST VR” winner

UploadVR  “Best Of Show VR Game Award” nominee

Gaming Trend -  “Biggest Surprise” nominee

Shacknews - “Best VR Game” winner

WCCFTech  “Best VR Game” winner

DualShockers - “Best VR/AR” winner

I guess you could say that we made quite a big splash at the show!

Phantom: Covert Ops will be releasing later this year, but we’ve still got a lot to reveal! Make sure that you're following our Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube channel to get all the latest news as it comes out.

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